Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> submitter 165799 !
Bug#165799: sympa: Buffer overflow in wws
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 194118 !
Bug#194118: ayttm: ICQ plugin fails to show all online users
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 195526 !
Bug#195526: ayttm: Ayttm's modules moved again, documentation wrong
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 72046 !
Bug#72046: xlibs: XMMS bugs out on an NCD
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 72181 !
Bug#72181: xlibs: Mozilla segfaults if run on an X Terminal
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 131541 !
Bug#131541: rblcheck: No manpage
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 162875 !
Bug#162875: wwsympa: Posting online underfeatured
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 174064 !
Bug#174064: slash: Does not generate W3C compliant HTML (upstream bug)
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 185555 !
Bug#185555: squid: /etc/hosts doesn't get checked by default
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 185957 !
Bug#185957: korganizer: Descriminates against night shift
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 194120 !
Bug#194120: Server account creation documentation missing
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 195197 !
Bug#195197: ayttm: Ayttm is dog-slow on remote X servers
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 195523 !
Bug#195523: ayttm: NEWS probably shouldn't be gzipped
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 72265 !
Bug#72265: xterm: should shut messages off by default when -e argument given
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 118541 !
Bug#118541: man2html: Valid HTML image
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 134098 !
Bug#134098: mozilla-browser-cvs: Block Images from this Directory
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 134541 !
Bug#134541: mozilla-browser-cvs: Should default to search if server not found
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 147185 !
Bug#147185: bug: bug and BTS lack gnupg abilities
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 147781 !
Bug#147781: pppconfig: Should also allow configuration of ppp server
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 148633 !
Bug#148633: exim: eximstats idea
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 150688 !
Bug#150688: exim: ASMTP with PAM should be standard
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 150757 !
Bug#150757: freeciv: Icon mistake...
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 184445 !
Bug#184445: apache: *Ancient* banners
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 185034 !
Bug#185034: kweather: Extended forcast
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 185116 !
Bug#185116: kaboodle: Should turn DPMS off
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 185620 !
Bug#185620: kaboodle: No hotkeys for basic features
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 185975 !
Bug#185975: kaudiocreator: Creates files with spaces in name, no way to disable
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 187574 !
Bug#187574: xcdroast: Should ask if non-root usage is permissable in debconf
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 194781 !
Bug#194781: gtk-gnutella: New version available
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 195519 !
Bug#195519: RFP: kernel-patch-l7-filter -- Application Layer Packet Classifier 
for Linux
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 175036 !
Bug#175036: gnome-applets: gweather-applet-2: Loads incorrect information for 
Hillsboro, OR.
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 57692 !
Bug#57692: tin: Kill all tagged wanted
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Drummond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 91849 !
Bug#91849: tin: Mouse behaviour in xterm tin
Changed Bug submitter from "Paul Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 

> submitter 186196 !
Bug#186196: gtk-gnutella: 0.92 considered harmful by developer, autobanned by 
newer versions
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 
(By the way, that Bug is currently marked as done.)

> submitter 194249 !
Bug#194249: ayttm: Yahoo plugin hangs ayttm hard
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 
(By the way, that Bug is currently marked as done.)

> submitter 145567 !
Bug#145567: flightgear: KPDX: Runway not flat
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 
(By the way, that Bug is currently marked as done.)

> submitter 147871 !
Bug#147871: pico: Does not identify quote characters
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 
(By the way, that Bug is currently marked as done.)

> submitter 147981 !
Bug#147981: links-ssl: Segfaults on
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 
(By the way, that Bug is currently marked as done.)

> submitter 154260 !
Bug#154260: sympa: Cannot remove owners
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 
(By the way, that Bug is currently marked as done.)

> submitter 156520 !
Bug#156520: Broken link
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 
(By the way, that Bug is currently marked as done.)

> submitter 165710 !
Bug#165710: tin: Timeout for reading article not configurable
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 
(By the way, that Bug is currently marked as done.)

> submitter 193267 !
Bug#193267: gtk-gnutella: Upload queueing support
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 
(By the way, that Bug is currently marked as done.)

> submitter 195386 !
Bug#195386: leafnode: Should have cron task to warn about failed postings
Changed Bug submitter from Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to Paul Johnson 
(By the way, that Bug is currently marked as done.)

> --
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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