Processing commands for > close 907086 907087 907088 907089 907090 907091 907092 907095 907096 907098 > 907099 907100 907101 907102 907103 907104 907105 907106 Bug #907086 [wnpp] O: mailfront -- mail server network protocol front-ends There is no source info for the package 'wnpp' at version '907087 907088 907089 907090 907091 907092 907095 907096 907098 907099 907100 907101 907102 907103 907104 907105 907106' with architecture '' Unable to make a source version for version '907087 907088 907089 907090 907091 907092 907095 907096 907098 907099 907100 907101 907102 907103 907104 907105 907106' Marked as fixed in versions 907087 907088 907089 907090 907091 907092 907095 907096 907098 907099 907100 907101 907102 907103 907104 907105 907106. Bug #907086 [wnpp] O: mailfront -- mail server network protocol front-ends Marked Bug as done > quit Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 907086: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems