Processing commands for > retitle 924708 RFS: dm-zoned-tools/0.0~git20180830.9188cc0-1 -- utilities for > the dm-zoned device mapper Bug #924708 [sponsorship-requests] sponsorship-requests: Dear Mentors, Changed Bug title to 'RFS: dm-zoned-tools/0.0~git20180830.9188cc0-1 -- utilities for the dm-zoned device mapper' from 'sponsorship-requests: Dear Mentors,'. > reopen 882640 Bug #882640 {Done: Andrew Worsley <>} [wnpp] ITP: dm-zoned-tools -- utilities for the dm-zoned device mapper Bug reopened Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #882640 to the same values previously set > owner 882640 Andrew Worsley <> Bug #882640 [wnpp] ITP: dm-zoned-tools -- utilities for the dm-zoned device mapper Ignoring request to set the owner of bug #882640 to the same value > block 882640 by 924708 Bug #882640 [wnpp] ITP: dm-zoned-tools -- utilities for the dm-zoned device mapper 882640 was not blocked by any bugs. 882640 was not blocking any bugs. Added blocking bug(s) of 882640: 924708 > End of message, stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 882640: 924708: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems