[adding #908285 to CC, moving #919458 to BCC]

Hi Christoph,

(I think you wanted #908285, not #919458 here. Resending to all
all on your behalf…)


Sean Whitton wrote...

> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> * Package name    : cookie-autodelete
>   Version         : 2.2.0
>   Upstream Author : Name <someb...@example.org>

To be precise: Kenny Do <cont...@kennydo.com>

> * URL             : https://github.com/Cookie-AutoDelete/Cookie-AutoDelete
> * License         : MIT
>   Programming Lang: JavaScript webext
>   Description     : delete cookies not used by any open tab
> This is a useful replacement for xul-ext-self-destructing-cookies, which
 doesn't work with the new Firefox ESR 60.0.
Indeed, and that's why I spent a few hours on this.

Summary, it's not that easy.

Here are my findings so other people have to go throught this again: The
pre-compiled .xpi contains a bundles/ subdirectory which is essential
for cookie-autodelete to work.

These files are missing in the sources, and if I understand correctly,
they are gathered when building using npm - while in the Debian
ecosystem they should rather be shipped by other packages. One of them
might be node-react which hasn't reached testing yet and I'm not sure
whether it will in time for buster freeze.
Minor issue: dh_webext installs the files in an "extensions/"
subdirectory where firefox will not find the extensions. Might require
some tweaking but is not a blocker.

So I'll give up on this for the moment. If anybody else feels
comfortable to continue, go ahead.


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