Processing commands for

> retitle 694088 ITP: c-graph -- interactive visualization tool for the 
> convolution theorem
Bug #694088 [wnpp] RFP: c-graph -- Visualizing Convolution
Changed Bug title to 'ITP: c-graph -- interactive visualization tool for the 
convolution theorem' from 'RFP: c-graph -- Visualizing Convolution'.
> owner 694088 Paul Hardy <>f
Bug #694088 [wnpp] ITP: c-graph -- interactive visualization tool for the 
convolution theorem
Owner recorded as Paul Hardy <>f.
> owner 919545 Paul Hardy <>
Bug #919545 {Done:} [wnpp] ITP: c-graph -- interactive 
visualization tool for the convolution theorem
Owner changed from Paul Hardy <> to Paul Hardy 
> reopen 919545
Bug #919545 {Done:} [wnpp] ITP: c-graph -- interactive 
visualization tool for the convolution theorem
Bug reopened
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #919545 to the same values 
previously set
> forcemerge 694088 919545
Bug #694088 [wnpp] ITP: c-graph -- interactive visualization tool for the 
convolution theorem
Bug #919545 [wnpp] ITP: c-graph -- interactive visualization tool for the 
convolution theorem
Owner changed from Paul Hardy <> to Paul Hardy 
Merged 694088 919545
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
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