Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I no longer use nethack-el nor have the time to maintain it properly anymore,
so I'm looking for someone to take over this package.

The package description is:
 Nethack is a wonderfully silly, yet quite addicting, Dungeons and
 Dragons-style adventure game. You play the part of a fierce fighter,
 wizard, or any of many other classes, fighting your way down to
 retrieve the Amulet of Yendor (try saying THAT one backwards!) for
 your god.  On the way, you might encounter a quantum mechanic or two,
 or perhaps a microscopic space fleet, or -- if you're REALLY lucky --
 the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.
 Features of NetHack for Emacs include:
  * Customizable Keys
  * Event Hooks
  * Customizable colors
  * And all the power of Emacs

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