
On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 01:16:37PM +0200, Gerrit Pape wrote:

> ipsvd is a set of ``internet protocol service daemons''.  It includes
> daemons for TCP/IP and UDP/IP.  An Internet protocol service (ipsv)
> daemon waits for incoming connections on a socket, and for new
> connections, it conditionally runs an arbitrary program to handle the
> connection.  ipsv daemons can be told to read and follow pre-defined
> instructions on how to handle incoming connections.  Based on the
> client's IP address or hostname, it's possible to run different
> programs, set a different environment, deny a connection, or set a per
> host concurrency limit.
> ipsvd can be used to run services usually run by inetd, xinetd, or
> tcpserver.  Normally the ipsv daemons are run by a supervisor process,
> such as runsv from the runit package, or supervise from the daemontools
> package.  ipsvd uses the djbdns client library to query the DNS.

Perhaps it's a good idea to compare it to ucspi-tcp's tcpserver? A lot
of functionality seems the same, but your package offers some additional
features such as per host concurrency counting.



E-Advies - Emile van Bergen           [EMAIL PROTECTED]      
tel. +31 (0)70 3906153           http://www.e-advies.nl    

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