[2018-10-27 17:28] Andreas Henriksson <andr...@fatal.se>
> [...]

> Also working towards using the debian/sysvinit repo would likely
> be a good move. It seems like you're using a -guest account on
> salsa, but at the same time you're a DD?! You should have an
> account on salsa matching your debian username (kaction?) which will
> allow you full access to debian/sysvinit. Try using that.

Thank you. I used my @kaction account on salsa, and now it worked.
So now sources of 2.88dsf-60 are on `master' branch on `debian/sysvinit'

> I'd like to suggest you put the alioth mailinglist back as maintainer
> and put yourself as uploader. That will allow casual bystanders to
> have a chance to follow progress from the sidelines (and hopefully
> that way build up an interest in stepping in). If you want to
> aquire admin access to the mailing list, that can probably be
> arranged by contacting either Ian Jackson or pere.

Seems like a good idea. So, I made two commits on top of
debian/2.88dsf-60, that bring back Uploaders and make Vcs-* fields point
to common debian/sysvinit repository.

Did not upload yet, but Ian, if you want -- go ahead.

> > [Dmitry Bogatov]
> > Oh, and surely, while I did my best to not introduce any functional
> > changes in 2.89-60, brave souls to test upload are more then welcome.
> Unfortunately you seem to have been a little to eager with
> "(lintian?) cleanups" where you broke a few things.
> Please remember to always decide for yourself rather than listen
> to what lintian has to say. Lintian is usually good at "regular"
> packages but very often wrong about "special" packages (like sysvinit,
> et.al.). Also always be very careful and understand all possible
> consequenses when changing LSB headers in central init scripts.
> [...]
> You might want to consider reverting all the LSB header changes and
> adding lintian overrides where needed instead.

You are right. I am sorry about being so reckless to upload.
I made a commits, that revert changes to LSB headers and add Lintian
overrides instead. They are on `wip/revert-lsb-headers', to allow
clean metainfo-only upload from `master' branch.

> PS. I'm personally looking forward to a fix for #799329 finally being
> incorporated. That'll make helping out with testing easier.

Moved this bug upper in my todo list :)

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