I have chatted with Dave Jones (waveform80) about getting gpiozero support on 
more architectures. It seems sensible that as part of doing this we also 
package pigpio to support remote gpio operations.

Dominik do you mind if I add myself to the uploaders for this package and work 
on updating it to the lastest upstream version opening up the architecture list?

One thing we need to look at is making sure pi-specific code that hits hardware 
directly doesn't run on anything other than Pis. Both in gpiozero and in 
pigpio. Obviously this is a potential issue now but the risk rises as we 
package more stuff. I spoke to Dave about this at Manchester raspberry jam and 
he told me he had improved the detection in gpiozero recently, but the version 
at https://github.com/rpi-distro/python-gpiozero still seems to have the same 

Dave is there an "experimental" gpiozero repository somewhere I have failed to 

I don't believe any changes to the library would be required for this. The
control file
already states "Architecture: all" [1]. Is that correct, or is there
anything else required?
The gpiozero packaging in Debian and the gpiozero packaging in the raspberry pi 
foundation repo seem to be unrelated. This bug report is discussing the former.

pigpio is the C library which runs as a daemon on the Pi. It accepts remote
and executes them on the Pi. The Python client (the package would be
is pure Python and is what communicates with remote Pis.
However, both pigpio and python3-pigpio are contained within the same
source repo
on GitHub. In Raspbian we have both of these packaged.

No, you have them packaged in the rasperry pi foundation repo.

And looking at that packaging it's going to need some work before
it's something acceptable to upload to Debian.

Right now the python stuff is directed to it's own binary packages but
all the c stuff is stuffed into one binary package. I see several issues
with this package.

1. It contains not one but three shared libaries, none of which seem to have 
proper so-versioning
2. It seems to have a directory for some sort of scripts in /opt/pigpio/cgi, I 
don't think this compiles with the filesystem heirachy standard.

I will follow up these issues in more detail in another mail with a different 
recipient list (which will include https://bugs.debian.org/908787 but not 
https://bugs.debian.org/856413 )

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