Control: unblock ! by 850089 Control: unblock ! by 850091
Another dependency status report. This time I've taken the version requirements from the looser requirements file rather than the frozen one, to reflect versions that flexget works with rather than what it was built with. I've also separated the dependencies that are only needed for the web UI feature, which can at least initially be disabled. It will be a lot of work to enable that because of all the node dependencies on top of these extra python ones.
With all that done, the list is looking pretty good! I've refreshed my RFS for rpyc since that expired last time. Guessit and rebulk are pinned to older versions by upstream, so I'm hoping I can get those specific versions into Debian for now. Then there's only feedparser to go.
FlexGet 2.11.5: PY-PACKAGE REQUIREMENT SRC PACKAGE V. STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FeedParser >=5.2.1 python-feedparser 5.1.3 OUTDATED ( #876413 SQLAlchemy >=1.0.9, <1.999 sqlalchemy 1.1.11 OK PyYAML * pyyaml 3.12 OK beautifulsoup4 >=4.5 beautifulsoup4 4.6.0 OK html5lib >=0.11 html5lib 0.99999999 OK PyRSS2Gen * python-pyrss2gen 1.1 OK pynzb * python-pynzb 0.1.0 OK rpyc ==3.3.0 rpyc -- RFS ( ITP: #850097, RFS: #850670 jinja2 * jinja2 2.10 OK requests ~=2.16.3 requests 2.18.1 OK python-dateutil >=2.5.3 python-dateutil 2.6.1 OK jsonschema >=2.0 python-jsonschema 2.6.0 OK >=8.1.1 10.5 OK guessit <=2.0.4 guessit 0.11.0 OUTDATED ( #867862 [1][2] rebulk ==0.8.2 -- ITP ( ITP: #877103 apscheduler >=3.2.0 apscheduler 3.4.0 OK terminaltables >=3.1.0 terminaltables 3.1.0 OK colorclass >=2.2.0 colorclass 2.2.0 OK ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web UI dependencies - feature can be disabled for now ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cherrypy >=3.7.0 cherrypy3 3.5.0 OUTDATED ( 8.9.1 is in experimental flask >=0.7 flask 0.12.2 OK flask-restful >=0.3.3 flask-restful 0.3.6 OK flask-restplus ==0.10.1 flask-restplus -- ITP ( ITP: #850089 flask-compress >=1.2.1 flask-compress 1.4.0 OK flask-login >=0.4.0 flask-login 0.4.0 OK flask-cors >=2.1.2 flask-cors -- ITP ( ITP: #850091 pyparsing >=2.0.3 pyparsing 2.1.10 OK zxcvbn-python * python-zxcvbn 4.4.16 OK future >=0.15.2 python-future 0.15.2 OK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dev requirements - maybe not all needed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sphinx ==1.6.3 sphinx 1.6.5 OK? click ==6.7 python-click 6.7 OK mock ==2.0.0 python-mock 2.0.0 OK vcrpy ~=1.11.1 1.11.1 OK boto3 * python-boto3 3.9.8 OK pytest >=3.3.0 pytest 3.2.1 OUTDATED? pytest-catchlog >=1.2.2 pytest-catchlog 1.2.2 OK pytest-xdist ==1.20.0 pytest-xdist 1.18.2 OK gitpython ==2.1.5 python-git 2.1.7 OK [1] [2]