On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 04:31:40PM -0500, David B Harris wrote:
> > > b) Our users care about what toolkits applications are written in;

i agree.

> > > having an easily-identifiable nomenclature for that (gnome-*, for
> > > instance) makes their lives easier.
> > 
> > to me, including toolkit information in the program name is duplication
> > of information, since that information is already stated in the
> > dependencies list of the package.
> My concern was that that information is not readily-accessible.

i guess it depends on what you mean by easily acessible. with aptitude i
do i search for libgnomeui-0, hit the 'r' key, and *bam*, i can see all
of the gnoem packages in debian. thats readily accessible to me.

though i dont neccessarily expect everybody to know how (or want to know
how) to do that. maybe the system that osamu, daniel, et al are working
on will help here.

> imagine having to list dependencies in the frontends too)

im not sure what you mean (or what frontend you use), since aptitude
does display depedency information (though i guess not upfront).


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