Hello Stefanos,

I'm interested in libwlc as well and wonder what the status of your
packaging efforts is.

On Wed, 28 Dec 2016 15:05:20 +0200 Stefanos Boglou wrote:
> I have made a few prototype packages and seems to be not that difficult.

Good to read.

> There are a few issues however:
> 1) in the latest released version it does not seem to detect the installed
> wayland-protocols package and instead uses the one bundled with it but it
> is fixed in master

Seems fixed in 0.0.10.

> 2) libchck is not packaged for debian thus it must be included in the
> source package

Yeah, I don't think it warrants its own package just yet.

> 3) I have not taken the time to make shlib definitions yet

Sure, usually one of the later things.

> 4) While the whole libwlc/sway seems to mostly work it has a few show
> stopping bugs that propably should be addressed first before even thinking
> about <testing>

I'm currently interested in way-cooler as well (not in any way stating
I'm going to package that one, though).

Are you aware of any specific libwlc bugs?

I'm a DD and could help you package the library and/or act as a sponsor,
if you wish.

Kind Regards

Markus Wanner

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