Big Data Analytics Masterclass

An In-Depth Learning into the Advanced Big Data Analytics that Changes the 
Business World Today


2nd – 3rd August 2017  : Dubai


21st -22nd August 2017 : Singapore

Dear Collegue,

Driven by specialized analytics systems, big data analytics can point the way 
to various business benefits, including new revenue opportunities, more 
effective marketing, better customer service, improved operational efficiency 
and competitive advantages over rivals.


Years ago businesses were using basic analytics to discover the market trends 
and insights before big data analytics appeared. Since Big Data Analytics was 
discovered, it has been utilized to help companies to gather, organize and 
analyse the information which could be helpful for both present and future 
decision-making. You can now identify the trends, insights, patterns and 
relationships for instant decisions. With the speedy and efficiency of big data 
analytics, it provides you the capability to work efficiently and stay agile to 
achieve competitive advantage.


What you will gain?

If you are looking for a solution on big data analytics, this is the course 
specially designed for you. In this course, you will come across the latest 
updates on big data technologies by having an in-depth explanation on that. 
Also, you will learn how to resolve the complexity of big data tools and 
understand how to successfully plan and implement on big data analytics. 
Besides, this course will include 3 predictive analytics case studies, 4 group 
discussions and 1 group workshop.

Registration & Enquiry

To obtain further details on brochure and registration, please do reply with 
the subject code

BDA- Dubai or BDA-SG for respective venue.

Dean DID: + 65 6825 9577

Whats App : + 65 9098 3117

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