Your message dated Mon, 3 Mar 2003 09:34:08 -0400 with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and subject line tuxpaint 0.9.10 includes korean font support, no need for this has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with. If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith. (NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact me immediately.) Debian bug tracking system administrator (administrator, Debian Bugs database) -------------------------------------- Received: (at submit) by; 11 Dec 2002 15:34:52 +0000 >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Dec 11 09:34:50 2002 Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Received: from (sanctuary.edennet) [] by with esmtp (Exim 3.12 1 (Debian)) id 18M8sr-0007Qc-00; Wed, 11 Dec 2002 09:34:49 -0600 Received: from synrg by sanctuary.edennet with local (Exim 3.36 #1 (Debian)) id 18M8sp-00040Z-00; Wed, 11 Dec 2002 11:34:47 -0400 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit From: Ben Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Debian Bug Tracking System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> X-Debbugs-CC: Subject: ITP: tuxpaint-fonts-korean -- Meta package to install Korean fonts for Tux Paint X-Mailer: reportbug 2.9 Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 11:34:46 -0400 Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.6 required=5.0 tests=SPAM_PHRASE_00_01 version=2.41 X-Spam-Level: Package: wnpp Version: unavailable; reported 2002-12-11 Severity: wishlist * Package name : tuxpaint-fonts-korean Version : 1.0 Upstream Author : Ben Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : * License : GPL Description : Meta package to install Korean fonts for Tux Paint This native Debian package will merely depend on the appropriate package(s) to provide Korean fonts for tuxpaint, symlinking to the fonts contained in those packages so that Tuxpaint can find the desired font. Currently, upstream uses a font from ttf-baekmuk, so this will be the sole dependency in tuxpaint-fonts-korean 1.0. This package will provide tuxpaint-fonts-nonlatin, and serves as the first of its kind. It is expected that similar tuxpaint-fonts-* packages will follow as Tux Paint is developed to support more languages. My tuxpaint-data package will be modified to suggest tuxpaint-fonts-nonlatin. --------------------------------------- Received: (at 172645-close) by; 3 Mar 2003 13:34:11 +0000 >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Mar 03 07:34:10 2003 Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Received: from (sanctuary.edennet) [] by with esmtp (Exim 3.12 1 (Debian)) id 18pq53-0006Ls-00; Mon, 03 Mar 2003 07:34:09 -0600 Received: from synrg by sanctuary.edennet with local (Exim 3.36 #1 (Debian)) id 18pq52-0007X6-00 for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon, 03 Mar 2003 09:34:08 -0400 Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 09:34:08 -0400 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: tuxpaint 0.9.10 includes korean font support, no need for this Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.3i From: Ben Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-0.9 required=4.0 tests=SPAM_PHRASE_00_01,USER_AGENT,USER_AGENT_MUTT version=2.44 X-Spam-Level: There is no need for a separate package to support korean fonts the way I have packaged tuxpaint 0.9.10. Ben