Would be interested in acquiring a list of Business contacts for your marketing initiatives to get you an extra pool of potential leads to accelerate your sales/marketing activities. Few Industry types: Manufacturing, Construction, Retail, Logistics, Aircraft/Aerospace, Automotive, Electronics, Finance, Transportation, IT, Medical & surgical, Industrial & commercial machinery, Plastic, Additive Manufacturing, Consumer Goods and much more. Titles include decision makes such as: * C-Level/Owner/President * Product Manager * Engineering * V-Level, Sales & Marketing * Production Manager, R&D * Quality Assurance and Control Titles * Purchasing/Procurement Head and More. Information Available: Decision Makers Name, Job Title, Opt-In & Direct Email Addresses, SIC Code, Phone Number, Fax Number, Company Name, Website Address, Physical Address with City, State, Country and Zip Code, Revenue Size, Employee Size, Industry etc. All the emails are personalized and we never provide any generic company email addresses such as info@......, sales@........, marketing@......., customerservice@...... If I missed out your prospective kindly let me know your Exact Target Audience, Geographical Area and Job Title that you are looking at in below format and I'll get back to you with sample file at no extra cost. Industry/Technology : _________(Any Industry/Technology) Job Title : _________(Any Job Title) Geography : _________(Worldwide) Best Regards, Tina Vincent Our Services:- Email Campaign, Appending Services "If you do not wish to receive further emails kindly reply with "Leave Out"