On Tue, May 02, 2017 at 10:44:49AM +0100, Ghislain Vaillant wrote:
> > I didnt notice because those two bugs have
> > - an identical upstream URL
> > - an identical description
> > - actually everything identical except for the package name
> TBH, I have been a bit lazy on that one. I could have made the
> distinction much more explicit.
indeed, you should have…

> > Does this really need to packages?
> The whole ReproZip project is a collection of utilities, including
> reprozip, reprounzip and reprounzip plugins for Vagrant and Docker.
> Each tool is registered as a separate download on pip and are versioned
> separately. Based on that alone, I guess it makes more sense to provide
> separate source packages too.

indeed, thanks for that explaination!

I still wonder what these tools exactly do, though ;-)


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