micah <mi...@riseup.net> writes:

> I agree that it doesn't look hard to add the terminus package, but I was
> hoping we could provide some kind of upgrade path for people to keep
> their storedconfig database, but I can't seem to figure out what is
> going on here.
Ok, I got it working:

1. wget http://downloads.puppetlabs.com/puppetdb/puppetdb-2.3.8.tar.gz
2. verify and uncompress it
3. cp -avp puppetdb-2.3.8/ext/master/lib/puppet/* 
4. copy active record dbadapter details to [main] section of puppet.conf
5. apply the attached patch[0] to
--- storeconfigs.orig.rb	2016-08-24 09:04:48.428728886 +0000
+++ storeconfigs.rb	2016-08-24 09:51:34.658495419 +0000
@@ -35,16 +35,15 @@
-          # Fetch all nodes, including exported resources and their params
-          nodes = Puppet::Rails::Host.all(:include => {:resources => [:param_values, :puppet_tags]},
-                                          :conditions => {:resources => {:exported => true}})
-          catalogs = nodes.map { |node| node_to_catalog_hash(node) }
           catalog_dir = File.join(workdir, 'catalogs')
-          catalogs.each do |catalog|
+          nodes = []
+          # Fetch all nodes, including exported resources and their params
+          Puppet::Rails::Host.find_each(:include => {:resources => [:param_values, :puppet_tags]},
+                                        :conditions => {:resources => {:exported => true}}, batch_size: 1) do |node|
+            catalog = node_to_catalog_hash(node)
+	    nodes << node[:name]
             filename = File.join(catalog_dir, "#{catalog[:data][:name]}.json")
             File.open(filename, 'w') do |file|
@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@
-          node_names = nodes.map(&:name).sort
+          node_names = nodes.sort
           timestamp = Time.now
6. puppet storeconfigs export
7. copy the exported file to the server running puppetdb software and
import the data with:
puppetdb import --infile ./storeconfigs-2017XXXXXX.tar.gz

This wouldn't be too hard to make work in a debian package, so people
can actually upgrade, but we need the termini package first.


0. https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PDB-165

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