Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : kissebook
  Version         : 0.8.0
  Upstream Author : Jan Riechers <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL 3
  Programming Lang: C
  Description     : A ebook organizer with quick 'open ebook file' option using 
user defined viewer and reader

Long desription:
KISSebook is a simple ebook organizer for pdf, epub, mobi and chm ebook
formats, which does support basic readout of metadata like authors and title.

It can launch (open) ebooks in user selected viewers on a per file
basis Either by providing a command, possibly with parameters or by
detecting some common readers by there executable binary.

Ebooks and folders with ebooks can be added by drag and drop or using
an import dialog.

There are several ways to organize the ebooks and special attributes
can be set like a reading priority, a read status, tags and categories
which can be filtered and sorted.

Ebooks are listed in a table with basic information like format,
authors and title - and others.

The ebook list view can be customized either by reordering the
columns in the view or by showing/hiding columns either
temporary or permanently.

It makes use of SQLite in order to store data and application settings
and requires no internet connection in any way. All information are
stored offline.

Its possible to access all information from any SQlite supporting
application as no encryption is used on the database.

It only requires GTK3, sqlite2 or sqlite4, libzip and
gettext for translations.


kissebook is written in my that other solutions offering similar
functionality are quite huge and require lot of depedencies.
It tries to minimize this requirements.

It doenst try to offer all functinality found in other ebook
library organizers but is flexible enough to allow the user to
navigate through there ebook collections, even if those are
spread across the filesystem. And using the already present
functionality of ebook viewers/readers to start and stop reading
where one left of.

But its possible to provide commnands and command line arguments
to all readers, so to start in Fullscreen or with any other favored
setting - if supported by the reader.

It depends only on GTK3, sqlite2 or sqlite4, depending on the
version 'kisslib-jessie' or 'kisslib', libzip and gettext for

And can be run in Jessie, using the correct version, Stretch and
also Sid.

The software is now at a point where only translations are in
request and is mostly stable and all major features, which
had been planned are implemented.


I would like to ask for help creating the first packages for
Jessie and Stretch/Sid of the application as I am not sure on
how to properly handle the packaging process for source and
binary versions.

Also if anyone would be interested, there is also the option
for translations using gettext and I really would love to
see the application beeing translated to other languages as

Thank you in advance and in case of questions or feedback,
please dont hesitate to get in touch!

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