On Fri, 21 Oct 2016 16:29:52 +0200
Alexandre Rossi <alexandre.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> > Let me know if you intend to import the latest upstream release before
> > I put more effort into it, of if you want me to already send the couple
> > of patches I have against the current repository.
> I've imported the latest upstream. Please send or push the patches you have.

Thanks, I will send patches, I am not sure if I can push to alioth (BTW
my username there is ao2-guest).

> >> The software does not work as intended yet, and there are still lintian
> >> issues so it's not ready for upload yet, but the packaging itself it's
> >> in a promising state.
> >>
> >
> > An update on this, the MUA which failed to import the headers was
> > Sylpheed  while Thunderbird succeeds at that, however it still fails
> > to parse the mime multipart structure of the message.
> >
> > Alexandre if you could import the latest upstream release I'll see if
> > it's a davmail problem and possibly report the issue upstream.
> This matches the problems I had: no headers.
> I had tried to build against embedded jars, and it works flawlessly,
> but using debian's jars brings this headers problem. I'm not sure
> which dependency is involved and have stalled on making further
> progress lacking a test server (my company switched to a Forefront
> gateway which makes davmail fail to communicate with that exchange
> server).

I see, this info is useful to debug the issue, I'll look into it.

I suspected it could be about the dependencies because I get the issue
also with the latest svn code, built the "debian way", I didn't try
with the dependencies provided by the upstream.

> If you contact upstream about this (I did not because cannot test!),
> I'm interested in being kept in the loop.

I'll surely let you know when I contact upstream, for now I am looking
at the code myself.


Antonio Ospite

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