Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : python-pprofile
  Version         : 1.9.1
  Upstream Author : Vincent Pelletier <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Deterministic and statistic per-line profiler for Python

Line-granularity, thread-aware deterministic and statistic pure-python
Line granularity allows locating precisely where time is spent in code.
Thread awareness automatically propagates profiling to all threads (all
threads in statistic mode, or threads spawned by profiled code in
deterministic mode).
Deterministic profiling gives precise measures, but at a large speed
cost (best used on minimal test scenarii).
Statistic profiling gives rough measure, but has an extremely low
overhead (suitable for live code profiling).
Does not require marking methods to profile, allowing non-method
profiling (module imports, class & function declarations and other
module-level code).
Can produce callgrind output.

Dear future maintainer,
I am not totally satisfied with above long description: on one hand I feel
reading it would help me choose which package to install, but on the other
hand it feels like repeating the documentation. I can help rewriting it
if needed, with some guidelines/suggestions.
The resulting package should recommend/suggest kcachegrind, as it is
useful to view produced callgrind output.

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