ChangZhuo Chen dijo [Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 09:20:06AM +0800]:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: "ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)" <>
> * Package name    : lepton
>   Version         : 1.0
>   Upstream Author : Copyright (c) 2016 Dropbox, Inc.
> * URL             :
> * License         : Apache-2
>   Programming Lang: C
>   Description     : tool to compress JPEGs losslessly
>  Lepton is a tool and file format for losslessly compressing JPEGs by an
>  average of 22%.
>  .
>  This can be used to archive large photo collections, or to serve images
>  live and save 22% bandwidth.

Umh, I read about this program, but this description (even if it
matches the upstream one) is quite odd.

JPEG is an inherently lossy format; even at top quality, the input
image will not be identical to the output one (just "good enough" for
our eyes). If Lepton can losslessly compress *any* images (or any
photographic images, or whatever kind of transforms it does best), it
should not mention as its description "to compress JPEGs losslessly",
but "to compress this-kind-of-images losslessly". If it is "just" a
tool that further compresses JPEGs, yielding back the original JPEG
bit by bit, what is the advantage of its losslessness? I mean: It is a
tool to make an absolutely faithful compression out of a somewhat
faithful compression scheme.

Please make the use case clearer!

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