On Jun 07, 2016, at 10:35 AM, Gordon Ball wrote:

>Packaging has been done and can be found in collab-maint [1]
>(git-buildpackage+pristine-tar format [2]). Current version is
>0.3.3+dfsg. Builds for xenial/yakkety can be found in a PPA [3].

Cool.  I grabbed and looked at the collab branch.

>The packaging and test suite appear to work, but I've held off trying to
>get it uploaded since there have been several minor versions in quick
>succession recently (0.3.0 .. 0.3.3 in the last two weeks) and I was
>waiting to see if it would settle.

Hopefully that will calm down after the rush of Pycon.

>Would you be willing to review and possibly sponsor?

For sure.  Would you consider adding me to Uploaders?

The packaging looks really good.  I noticed the setting of http_proxy in
override_dh_auto_build.  You probably don't strictly need that because I
believe pybuild does that automatically.  It can't hurt though and some
maintainers prefer to be explicit about that.

It might be good to add an autopkgtest that actually runs the installed xonsh
as a sanity check.  Maybe even just run a simple xonsh script?  See below.

Should debian/xonsh.1 be generated from help2man so it doesn't get out of

>[2]: This should probably be under DPMT and git-dpm, but I'm not (yet) a
>team member

You should definitely join debian-python!  However, as this is an application
and not a library, it would probably be best to put it under PAPT.  The
problem there of course is that PAPT hasn't switched to git yet :(.  I'm
hoping tumbleweed and others might make that happen at or after debconf2016.
Until that happens, collab-maint is fine.

>[3]: ppa:chronitis/misc (contains a variety of other stuff)


/me builds

Love the logo output during `python3.5 setup.py clean` ;)

I think you need to explicitly depend on python3-pkg-resources, otherwise:

# xonsh
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/xonsh", line 5, in <module>
    from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
ImportError: No module named 'pkg_resources'

I made a few of the suggested changes (adding the Depends and an autopkgtest)
and pushed it to the `review` branch on collab-maint.  Let me know what you
think.  Great work, and I'm happy to sponsor and/or comaintain xonsh!

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