Up to now I've been able to keep up with the old software stack with
such apt preferences:

> Package: python-django
> Pin: release o=Debian,n=wheezy
> Pin-Priority: 1005

> # and these: libgeos-c1=3.3.3-1.1 postgis=1.5.3-2 python-gdal=1.9.0-3.1, 
> gdal-bin=1.9.0-3.1 libgdal1 libspatialite3
> Package: libgeos-c1 postgis python-gdal gdal-bin libgdal1 libspatialite3
> Pin: release o=Debian,n=wheezy
> Pin-Priority: 1005

Anyway one day Wheezy will go away and/or some of these packages may block
further upgrade.

According to https://gitlab.com/chimere/chimere/blob/master/requirements.txt
even the latest git still depends on quite an outdated python-django version 


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