retitle 255572 ITP: cc65 -- Cross development suite for 65xxx processors owner 255572 ! thanks
As of May 2015, the owner of copyright in the compiler has relicensed it as well under the zlib license. This means everything is DFSG free. so as i used this in the past and have some experience due i used many emulators, i wish to take work in this. Currently the piece of software are staled and sai unmantained but commits focused on bugfixeds are made in the github repository.. This package are need for the nesicide software a development ide for 8bit console roms for emulators. see #658261 a hard to package piece of software due inconsistency of their artifacts. A firts steps to provide devel enviroments for making roms of 8bit systems are packagin the cc65 compilers suite! -- Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)