On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 06:40:34PM +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> > I prefer the first option as below.
> Fine with me!
> > OK, I'll upload it to experimental once it is ready.
> Great, when it is there, I will make test builds of texlive-bin
> replacing the builtin teckit with yours.
> > Shall I make "Debian TeX Maintainers <debian-tex-ma...@lists.debian.org>"
> > to be the Maintainer?
> > May I put it in debian-tex git?
> You are welcome to do, and I am happy to have it in debian-tex git.
> Concerning maintainership, if you don't mind, yes, that would be
> great - but I would like to ask you to subscribe to the debian-tex-main
> mailing list so that you see bug reports.
> Also, if you don't mind, can we put you and me into the uploaders, so 
> that in case there are any problems with TeX Live that I can take action,
> too?

I'm back and building it now for upload with me as maintainer and you and 
Debian TeX Maintainers as uploaders.
I do want the bug reports but don't want another email list.
> But again, all depends only on your preferences, I don't mind anything
> unless it breaks texlive ;-)
> If you are fine with debian-tex, I can add you to the debian-tex group
> on alioth, and create an empty repository there, or you do it after
> you have been added to the alioth group.

Thanks, I've put in a request to join the alioth group. I'm happy either
way whether you create the repo or I do. I assume you use the script
/git/debian-tex/setup-repository on git.d.o to create it and set everything
up right?


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