On Sat, 23 Nov 2002, [iso-8859-15] Loïc Le Guyader wrote:

> I've allready report this to the upstream.


> When I've post the first message, I was working with the sourceforge
> cvs version. But after this, the upstream auteur gave me a more
> recently source tree that was not yet on the cvs.

You should probably consider to up the revision number, at least,
every time you put out new package versions. Otherwise there will be some

> So I repackage but don't make a make clean before this. That explain the
> .#http.c.1.3

Looks fine now.

> For the curious executable files, the upstream authors said that he
> don't know how to correct the permission of a file in the soureforge
> of cvs. If you know please tell him.

If the files he checks in have the correct permitions, but the ones in the
sourceforge repository do not, then that's a sourceforge screwup and he
should ask sourceforge to correct that.

> There is no more permission problem with the last tarball on the
> official site.

Looks fine now.

> I've made a manpage for proxytunnel, that was now on his cvs and
> replace all his Makefile by autotools, that was not yet on his cvs.


> The last build I've made (without the problem, and with manpage and
> autoconf) is as the same place as the previous.

Jolly nice.
Thanks for the time and effort you put into this.

> PS: Please, excuse my bad English speaking, cause I'm not a native english
> speaker.

No worries. My native language is not english either :=) And I understood
everything you wrote.


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