* Scott Talbert: " Re: [tryton-debian] python-profitbricks-client: Please use a
  maintained soap library instead of deprecated python-suds." (Sat, 22 Aug 2015
  11:52:54 -0400 (EDT)):

Hi Scott,


>>> Are you confirming that suds-jurko is definitely not API compatible with
>>> suds, or are you just stating that there is uncertainty whether it is API
>>> compatible?
>> Indeed I recently stumbled about an incompatibility. This one refers to a
>> logging method and is not a big deal, but so I can confirm.
> Just out of curiosity, what was the incompatibility?

We had used in our modules something like


After changing to suds-jurko those failed and there is also a related issue on
bitbucket [1].

JFTR: I am also answering to all bugs in CC, but I doubt we should post such
informations to all addresses.



    Mathias Behrle
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