Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2002-10-21
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : puffin
  Version         : 0.9.0
  Upstream Author : Keyton Weissinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             :
* License         : based on the Zope Public License 2.0
  Description     : Puffin Automation Framework

>From the web page:

As it's name implies, Puffin allows you to automate "actions." An
action, in terms of Puffin, is any "high level" execution item that
may require inputs, may produce outputs, and whose results may be
validated for success or failure. For example, an action may involve
making an HTTP request to a dynamic web page. It may involve grabbing
a file's contents or even retrieving a specific email based on a
keyword in the subject line. All of these are actions in the sense
that they can be automated by Puffin. Puffin will manage all inputs,
outputs, and validation for these actions.

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