On 10/05/15 00:16, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
> On 07/10/2014 04:34 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> I did not got any response for you when I answered your sponsoring
>> request.  Are you remaining interested in maintaining the osrm package?
>> My problem was that it is not injected in Debian GIS Vcs (even if the
>> debian/control file is claiming that this is the case.  Since I have
>> some spare cycles left for this I take the freedom to do this for you
>> and also apply some changes to make it compliant with the Debian GIS
>> policy.  Please ping the list if you are remain interested and I will
>> sponsor the package for you (without the detour via mentors.d.n).
> The above questions by Andreas remains, are you still interested in
> maintaining the osrm package?

Yes, I am still interested in maintaining osrm.

> I took the liberty to update the package with the latest upstream
> release, and it pretty much ready for upload. Do you have anything you'd
> like to add?

Thanks for updating the package. I have just pushed some minor
fixes/improvements to the man pages.

I would like to test the package, and check the documentation (also
comparing with the upstream versions). But that will probably have to
wait a few weeks, as I am busy with exams at the moment.

Feel free to upload it now if you want to though.

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