Control: summary -1 -1

Packaging is now in VCS. Copyright questions remain for the wordlist.

On 09-Jan-2015, anarcat wrote:
> Any progress on this?

Yes, the packaging is complete and is available in VCS:


I am considering the copyright implications of the included wordlist,
which appears to be from a proprietary source and does not have any
license grant for Debian recipients.

If there is a convenient way to switch to a known-free-software word
list instead, I will try to do that.

> I'd be interested in helping out.

Great! I will need a sponsor when the release is made, feel free to
examine and critique the packaging so far.

 \       “Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who |
  `\   speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.” —Ambrose |
_o__)                           Bierce, _The Devil's Dictionary_, 1906 |
Ben Finney <>

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