On Mon, 30.09.02 07:51, Ola Lundqvist ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> retitle 162764: ITP: atitvout -- ATI Rage 3D Mobility TV switching tool
> thanks
> Hi
> I am working on this package but I think I do not have the right
> hardware to test it (Radeon Mobility M6 LY (rev 0).
> Can you confirm that?

No, I cannot. It is kind of luck if an ATI card works with
atitvout. Some do, some do not. My own Rage Mobility P/M works
perfectly. A guy send me some patches that made it working perfectly
on his Radeon. However, it seems as if it doesn't work on yours. I
got reports that it works perfectly on Rage 128, but I also got
reports of the contrary. 

It seems to work on *all* Rage Mobility P/M and Rage Pro LT
devices. If you own one of these you are the right one to package

> If I have the totally wrong hardware I'll retitle it back to RFP
> again.

It's not totally wrong, but just not perfect as it seems.

Did you try to force RADEON mode with -r? this helps sometimes.



name { Lennart Poettering } mail { [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
icq { 11060553 } www { http://www.poettering.de/lennart/ }
loc { hamburg, germany } pgp { 0x1A015CC4 } hack { .phi. }

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