Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> On Sun, 2014-11-02 at 16:04 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
>> BTW, there is a request for a general restart notifier tool:
> Isn't that was needrestart can do now as well?
No.  If the needrestart pacage is insufficiently clear about its
limitations, then a minor bug report about that may be helpful.

> At east I'd suggest that such functionality would be rather added to
> needrestart and not something new be implemented.

Whoever implements this RFP is free to do so however they choose.

> Ideally, needrestart should in the long-run become default in Debian,...
> it should replace the current practise of packages restarting their
> services themselves in the maintainer-scripts unconditionally (i.e. even
> it there wouldn't be strict need to do so from the technical side).

That has nothing to do with this RFP.  A wishlist bug against
src:needrestart about that would be useful; patches even better.

Best wishes,

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