Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" <>

* Package name    : androresolvd
  Version         : 1.3
  Upstream Author : Sven-Ola Tuecke
* URL             :
* License         : Apache 2.0
  Programming Lang: /bin/sh
  Package source  :
  Description     : create gids that represent Android permissions

 Small user space daemon to get the Android DNS server setting and
 maintain the resolver config on a regulary basis. Note, that this
 daemon has to be started by some running android programs, in order
 to have the ANDROID_PROPERTY_WORKSPACE environment variable and
 the /dev/ashmem file descriptor (usually #9) that is inherited from
 the calling process. Another note: cannot be started from a login
 shell, because `bash --login` closes all inherited file descriptors.
 This only makes sense to install on a Debian chroot running on Android.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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