Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I propose that we remove this package. There's no source code, upstream
> has disappeared, and ethereal is a free package that provides pretty
> much the same functionality but better (or at least that's my
> impression). Any comments?

I mailed the author three weeks ago just in case we get lucky.  Here's
what came in this morning:

-------------------- Start of forwarded message --------------------
From: "Peter Tobias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Matej Vela" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Keeping EPAN in Debian
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 23:37:49 +0200

Hello Matej,

I'm sorry that my answer took so long but I just switched jobs
and was therefore not able to keep up with my personal email.

> Since EPAN is a Debian-native package, a strict reading of
>   Permission to copy and distribute unmodified versions of EPAN in its
>   entirety, is hereby granted ...
> doesn't give us the right to modify even the Debian-specific parts.
> Can you make that an exception?
> Better yet, since you no longer seem to be distributing EPAN
> yourself[1], perhaps you might consider releasing the sources under a
> free license?  I know it's asking much, but it would allow us to fix a
> long-standing edump bug, and link against xforms 0.89 and libpcap 0.7.

yes, that's the best way!. And that's what I planned about three years ago
(but real life prevented that). I think most source files already contain
the GPL header.

I'm planning to check the sources again just in order to be sure that
everything is alright (for example copyright issues). I'll send you the
latest snapshot of the sources along with this message so you can try to
compile it using the latest xforms and libpcap packages (also attached is
a corrected version of the "How to write decoders" HOWTO). Before you are
going to upload the new package please get in touch with me again so I can
send you the latest patches/additions (if I made any in the meantime - I
think that I have to change the email address for example to

> [1] Neither <> nor
>     <> work anymore.

I know ... unfortunately there is no "official homesite/archive" right



-------------------- End of forwarded message --------------------

The sources are at <> for now.  They
compile on sid, and I guess I'll do an upload by the end of the week.



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