|| On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 00:04:44 +1000
 || Jamie Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

 jw> Package: wnpp
 jw> Version: unavailable; reported 2002-09-11
 jw> Severity: wishlist

 jw> * Package name    : masqdialer
 jw>   Version         : 0.5.5
 jw>   Upstream Author : Charles P. Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 jw> * URL             : http://w3.cpwright.com/mserver/
 jw> * License         : GPL
 jw>   Description     : daemon for controlling shared dialup links

 jw> The masqdialer system is designed to provide easily accessible control of
 jw> multiple dialout modem connections to the members of a LAN using IP
 jw> Masquerade for their internet connectivity.
 jw> The system is a client/server design, so as long as a client can be written
 jw> for a particular platform, that platform can take advantage of masqdialer's
 jw> offerings. The masqdialer daemon runs on the linux machine, and upon an
 jw> authorized client request, carries out the user's request.

I have already packaged linesrv, a client/server program really similar to
the one you are going to package.

I am going to release the next week a new release.

Pls, let me know if you think that these packages can conflict.
(for example if your package need some kinds of lock on the




LiMe -- Linux Meeting at Rome on October, 11/12 2002

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