
I am one of the core  developers of SCENARI and the person in charge of our 
Debian / Ubuntu packaging.
I would love to see SCENARI applications in Debian natively but have no clear 
idea how to bring this about.

SCENARI is a framework, quite a complex one, spanning several technologies, all 
Incorporating SCENARI into a distribution is possible and could be done in 
various ways and to various degrees.

It is used mostly by entities needing to create, maintain and manage very large 
quantities of structured multi-media content.
It is a tool for industrializing document production, standardizing the 
structure, and the form of the finished documents while
enabling multiple output formats form the same source.

I am at anyone's disposal for explaining the principles or inner workings of 
SCENARI, or assisting in packaging.

Samuel Monsarrat.

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