On  So 29 Sep 2013 21:36:00 CEST, Thomas Koch wrote:

Hi Axel, Mike,

I'm searching a sponsor for this package:

It's an educational program written in Python. Mike mentioned interest in
sponsoring at debconf. Axel said he'd consider advocating me as DD. Therefor
I'm asking you first for sponsorship.

Beste Grüße, Thomas

From looking at the package on mentors.debian.net, you should at least get the watch file issue and the man page issue fixed.

I will not sponsor a package that lacks either of those two. If those are fixed, I will be happy to take a closer look.


mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


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