Hi Ximin,

Ximin Luo <infini...@gmx.com> writes:

> Sorry, ignore this, I missed the fact that scim and scim-pinyin are separate
> upstream packages. Your versioning is fine.


>> 2. Please upload your PGP key 0xDFBE5F8B into the public keyservers. 
>> Otherwise
>> I cannot verify your signature.

Thanks. I'll do that later.

>> Also note that I do not have Debian Developer / Maintainer access, so we will
>> need to find someone else to sponsor your package. But I can do a
>> code review.
> I have tested your package and it works well. Thanks! I looked over your
> changes to debian/** and everything looks good - especially that you 
> simplified
> debian/rules and formatted debian/copyright correctly. It's definitely a
> significant improvement and follows the Debian standards well. :)
> I'll try to get a DD/DM to sponsor this over the coming days.

I have joined pkg-ime team[1] and received sponsorship from
Osasu-san. The package is already in the upload queue[2]. However not
processed by ftp-masters for more than a month.

I'll ping ftp-masters for it.


1. https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-ime/
2. http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/scim-pinyin_0.5.92-1.html

Attachment: pgpOxldVpr9O2.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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