Hello Joachim, thanks for the interest!

I've played 'snake' from 'bsdgames' and have to say it's a completely
different game. While there you have to escape a snake that keeps
chasing you, in 'nsnake' you control a snake that must eat to grow
bigger, while avoiding getting killed. The latter follows an approach
similar to those old cellphone snake games.
While I understand that there are already snake games with a graphical
front-end on the archive, this would be one of the the first
textual-based ones (again, following the old cellphone game style).

But, even if there were already some snake games playable through the
terminal on the archive, I really think 'nsnake' should be added for a
couple of reasons.

It was developed with beginner programmers in mind, being a nice
start-up for C game developers. It's a simple, well-commented game
with a few dependences.

Having colors and different game modes, it stands out from every other
snake implementation. Following the sentence above, it's easier to add
new features and such.

Also, since the mantainer and upstream are the same person, it eases
mantainability/updates and zeroes the chance of it ever becoming

'bsdgames' installs several games in one package. I think users should
have the opportunity to decide on which snake game they preffer, or
which minesweeper, and there it goes.

There's where diversity comes in. For example, there are already
plenty block games similar to Tetris(tm) on the archive [0], both with
graphical and textual interface. They're all very different from each
other, so it all adds up to the final user's choice.


On 4/24/13, Joachim Breitner <nome...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi Alexandre,
> Am Dienstag, den 23.04.2013, 20:09 -0300 schrieb Alexandre Dantas:
>> Package: wnpp
>> Severity: wishlist
>> Owner: Alexandre Dantas <alex.danta...@gmail.com>
>> * Package name    : nsnake
>>   Version         : 1.6
>>   Upstream Author : Alexandre Dantas <alex.danta...@gmail.com>
>> * URL             : http://www.alexdantas.net/projects/nsnake/
>> * License         : GPL3
>>   Programming Lang: C
>>   Description     : classic snake game with textual interface
>>  nsnake is an implementation of the classic snake game with textual
>>  interface. It is playable at command-line with ncurses-like graphics.
>>  .
>>  Features high-scores and two game modes - with and without borders.
> while it is certainly fun to develop such a game, do you really think
> that it adds noticeable value to Debian’s users? Is it much better than
> the snake in bsdgames? If yes, have you tried improving that, or asked
> the maintainers to include your game instead?
> Greetings,
> Joachim
> --
> Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
> Debian Developer
>   nome...@debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
>   JID: nome...@joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata

Alexandre Dantas
*1309 21D9 ECA0 6EE5 F435  D1C5 F234 E30E B63C F56F*
my projects <http://alexdantas.net/projects/>

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