Hi Dmitry,

finally Bullet has arrived and i have started to work on FreeOrion.
Recently i figured out how to build FreeOrion with Debian's Multiarch
version. The game works now and it is playable.

I intend to update the git repository with my changes during the next
couple of days and i really would like to see you as co-maintainer given
all the work you have already commited to FreeOrion.

Some ideas/remarks:

* I think FreeOrion should be splitted in two source packages freeorion
  and freeorion-data. That would save us some bandwith.
* Copyright looks good so far, no show-stoppers.
* I intend to target the game for Main.
* I agree with you that we should stick with FreeOrions's gigi fork. It
  is better maintained and we only need the library for the game. I
  have tested gigi as a standalone package and as part of FreeOrion's
  build process. I'm willing to create a separate package because i
  think it is easier to maintain in the long-run. At first it looks
  like more work but it is easier to spot errors and to fix bugs
  related to gigi. The rules file of FreeOrion also looks tidier. :)
  So i'm not afraid to package the library as libgigi-freeorion to make
  it clear that it is a FreeOrion fork of gigi in case someone intends
  to package the original library.

More updates are coming soon.



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