On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 6:45 PM, Vincent Cheng <vincentc1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just a quick followup...
> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 3:57 AM, Vincent Cheng <vincentc1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Aron Xu <a...@debian.org> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 7:59 AM, Vincent Cheng <vincentc1...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Aron, I'm unsure if you're aware of the pull request I've made
>>>> upstream [1], but if you have anything you want changed upstream,
>>>> please feel free to jump into the conversation. I think by now we've
>>>> sorted out more or less all of the remaining issues that are blocking
>>>> the merge of the Debian-specific stuff, but if there's anything I
>>>> missed, now's your chance to let upstream know.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Vincent
>>>> [1] https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/bumblebee-ppa/pull/10
>>> I'm ready to sponsor current version of bumblebee, but I'd like to
>>> wait for your confirmation in case you have some action to do with
>>> upstream changes. I committed a small change to bumblebee.preinst,
>>> replacing "Ubuntu" with "the system" so that it can be vendor
>>> agnostic. If this needs to be forwarded upstream then please do me a
>>> favor, thanks.
>> I'll make a note of that change to be forwarded upstream (together
>> with the virtualgl stuff).
> Upstream decided to drop the preinst file (which I was hoping for
> too), so the above change is no longer relevant anymore.

Good to know.

>> I intend to upload a new version of primus first (with the changes
>> made by upstream in [1]). Bumblebee is pretty much done at this point,
>> so feel free to go ahead and upload it as is, but it's not going to be
>> very useful without primus. Then again, I expect that
>> bbswitch+bumblebee will sit in the NEW queue for a while, so it's not
>> like it'll make a difference in the end. :P
> There's been quite a restructuring of the primus packaging lately,
> done by upstream; primus now queries the bumblebee daemon when it
> comes to picking nouveau/nvidia, instead of relying on environment
> variables set in primusrun, so we can now drop primus-nvidia, the
> duplicate primusrun scripts, and the maintainer scripts / use of the
> alternatives system (i.e. simplifies things a _lot_). However that
> also depends on a few changes to bumblebee as well. Hence, would you
> be willing to upload the latest bumblebee + primus code from
> upstream's git repos (rather than the current stable bumblebee 3.1
> release)? (fwiw primus has never really seen a formal 'stable'
> release, so it doesn't really matter for primus)

Then could you add it to Debian's git repo?

> As an aside, I made a comment about the current architecture field of
> bbswitch after Ratesh uploaded 0.6, but I suppose you may have missed
> them:
> "Also, why did you opt for Architecture: linux-any for a dkms package?
> Everything inside the binary package is installed into an
> arch-independent  location, so I think it should probably be arch:all
> instead, and most dkms packages [1] adhere to being arch:all,
> including dkms itself. But since you've  explicitly moved the package
> from arch:all to arch:linux-any, I'll just leave it be..."

AFAIK even though bbswitch does not contain any architecture specific
file, it does not work on other platforms other than linux-any, e.g.
kfreebsd and hurd. So I moved it to linux-any. (And yes, there is dkms
support for kfreebsd.)

> There's also the issue that Nvidia Optimus is a feature included only
> with Intel+Nvidia AFAIK, hence bbswitch+bumblebee+primus is really
> only useful on i386 and amd64 anyways.
> Vincent

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