On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 12:18 AM, Ben Hutchings <b...@decadent.org.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-12-17 at 12:41 +1100, Jayen Ashar wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Ben Hutchings <b...@decadent.org.uk> wrote:
>> > On Mon, 2012-12-17 at 11:14 +1100, Jayen Ashar wrote:
>> >> Hi kernel team,
>> >>
>> >> I intend to package the stable versions of compat-wireless and
>> >> compat-drivers (when available) as module-assistant packages, starting
>> >> with compat-wireless 3.5.4.  The reason I am using module-assistant
>> >> (instead of dkms) is so that embedded users of debian can compile &
>> >> distribute kernel module packages without needing a compiler on the
>> >> embedded device.
>> >
>> > This is not a reason to avoid DKMS, as you can use 'dkms mkdeb' to build
>> > a package for installation elsewhere.
>> didn't know about mkdeb.  will start looking at dkms (at least for our
>> internal use).  thanks.
>> >> I am starting with 3.5.4 because I have already
>> >> packaged it for my company and have tested it internally with the
>> >> squeeze kernel.
>> >
>> > Since wheezy is now frozen, this cannot be added to wheezy and therefore
>> > cannot be added to squeeze-backports either.  So this will not be a very
>> > effective way to help other squeeze users.
>> Could it be added to wheezy-backports?
> Yes, once it's in testing for jessie.
>> > The official kernel package (linux-2.6/linux source package) does get
>> > stable updates to extend hardware support, but not as many as I would
>> > like.  I would really like to see compat-drivers integrated into the
>> > linux source package so users don't need to look for extra package or a
>> > special installer.  But we will need to ensure that there is adequate
>> > regression testing whenever we update compat-drivers in stable.
>> >
>> > Would you be interesting in working on this?  It would help many more
>> > users than a separate package.
>> Are you asking for work on adding it to linux-source, or doing some
>> testing?  I'm not sure I could provide adequate testing on any version
>> other than the one's my company is running.
> I'm requesting that you work on adding it to the linux source package
> and do what testing you can.  In any case we'll have to ask users for
> beta testing.
> Before you do that work, though, it would need to be agreed among the
> kernel and release teams that we should update drivers in this way.  But
> I hope that's not too controversial.

Do you think there is value in having many versions available?
(Ubuntu seems to have this.)  I was planning to separately package
3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6, so users could have the version they wanted.
(I was planning on earlier versions as well, but if there's no hope of
getting into squeeze-backports, I see little purpose.)


> Ben.
> --
> Ben Hutchings
> Make three consecutive correct guesses and you will be considered an expert.


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