Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Filippo Rusconi <>

* Package name    : openms
  Version         : 1.9.0
  Upstream Author : Oliver Kohlbacher <>
* URL             :
* License         : (Artistic)
  Programming Lang: (C++)
  Description     :  software suite for LC/MS data management and analysis
 OpenMS is a library for LC/MS data management and analysis. OpenMS
 offers an infrastructure for the development of mass
 spectrometry-related software and powerful 2D and 3D visualization
 TOPP (the OpenMS proteomic pipeline) is a pipeline for the analysis
 of HPLC/MS data. It consists of a set of numerous small applications
 that can be chained together to create analysis pipelines tailored
 for a specific problem.
 This package is a metapackage that depends on the OpenMS libraries
 and TOPP binaries.

Package: libopenms1.9
Architecture: any
Depends: Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Suggests: openms-doc
Description: library for LC/MS data management and analysis - runtime
 OpenMS is a library for LC/MS data management and analysis. OpenMS
 offers an infrastructure for the development of mass
 spectrometry-related software and powerful 2D and 3D visualization
 OpenMS offers analyses for various quantitation protocols, including
 label-free quantitation, SILAC, iTRAQ, SRM, SWATH…
 It provides built-in algorithms for de-novo identification and
 database search, as well as adapters to other state-of-the art tools
 like X!Tandem, Mascot, OMSSA…
 OpenMS supports the Proteomics Standard Initiative (PSI) formats for
 MS data and supports easy integration of tools into workflow engines
 like Knime, Galaxy, WS-Pgrade, and TOPPAS via the TOPPtools concept
 and a unified parameter handling.
 This package ships the non-graphical user interface library.

Package: libopenms-dev
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libopenms1.9 ( = ${binary:Version})
Suggests: openms-doc
Description: library for LC/MS data management and analysis - dev files
 OpenMS is a library for LC/MS data management and analysis. OpenMS
 offers an infrastructure for the development of mass
 spectrometry-related software and powerful 2D and 3D visualization
 OpenMS offers analyses for various quantitation protocols, including
 label-free quantitation, SILAC, iTRAQ, SRM, SWATH…
 It provides built-in algorithms for de-novo identification and
 database search, as well as adapters to other state-of-the art tools
 like X!Tandem, Mascot, OMSSA…
 OpenMS supports the Proteomics Standard Initiative (PSI) formats for
 MS data and supports easy integration of tools into workflow engines
 like Knime, Galaxy, WS-Pgrade, and TOPPAS via the TOPPtools concept
 and a unified parameter handling.
 This package ships the non-graphical user interface library
 development files.

Package: libopenmsgui1.9
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libopenms1.9 ( = ${binary:Version})
Suggests: openms-doc
Description: gui library for LC/MS data management and analysis - runtime
 OpenMS is a library for LC/MS data management and analysis. OpenMS
 offers an infrastructure for the development of mass
 spectrometry-related software and powerful 2D and 3D visualization
 OpenMS offers analyses for various quantitation protocols, including
 label-free quantitation, SILAC, iTRAQ, SRM, SWATH…
 It provides built-in algorithms for de-novo identification and
 database search, as well as adapters to other state-of-the art tools
 like X!Tandem, Mascot, OMSSA…
 OpenMS supports the Proteomics Standard Initiative (PSI) formats for
 MS data and supports easy integration of tools into workflow engines
 like Knime, Galaxy, WS-Pgrade, and TOPPAS via the TOPPtools concept
 and a unified parameter handling.
 This package ships thee graphical user interface (gui) library.

Package: libopenmsgui-dev
Architecture: any
Depends: Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libopenms-dev
Suggests: openms-doc
Description: gui library for LC/MS data management and analysis - dev files
 OpenMS is a library for LC/MS data management and analysis. OpenMS
 offers an infrastructure for the development of mass
 spectrometry-related software and powerful 2D and 3D visualization
 OpenMS offers analyses for various quantitation protocols, including
 label-free quantitation, SILAC, iTRAQ, SRM, SWATH…
 It provides built-in algorithms for de-novo identification and
 database search, as well as adapters to other state-of-the art tools
 like X!Tandem, Mascot, OMSSA…
 OpenMS supports the Proteomics Standard Initiative (PSI) formats for
 MS data and supports easy integration of tools into workflow engines
 like Knime, Galaxy, WS-Pgrade, and TOPPAS via the TOPPtools concept
 and a unified parameter handling.
 This package ships the graphical user interface (gui) library
 development files..

Package: topp
Architecture: any
Depends: Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libopenms1.9 ( = 
${binary:Version}), libopenms-gui1.9 ( = ${binary:Version})
Suggests: openms-doc
Description: The OpenMS proteomic pipeline
 TOPP (the OpenMS proteomic pipeline) is a pipeline for the analysis
 of HPLC/MS data. It consists of a set of numerous small applications
 that can be chained together to create analysis pipelines tailored
 for a specific problem. The applications make use of the libopenms
 library. Some examples of these applications are :
   - TOPPView: A viewer for mass spectrometry data.
   - TOPPAS: An assistant for GUI-driven TOPP workflow design.
   - DTAExtractor: Extracts spectra of an MS run file to several
     files in DTA format.
   - FileConverter:  Converts between different MS file formats.
   - FileFilter: Extracts or manipulates portions of data from peak,
     feature or consensus feature files.
   - SpectraMerger: Merges spectra from an LC/MS map, either by
     precursor or by RT blocks.
   - BaselineFilter: Removes the baseline from profile spectra using a
     top-hat filter.
   - InternalCalibration: Applies an internal calibration.
   - PTModel: Trains a model for the prediction of proteotypic
     peptides from a training set.
   - RTPredict: Predicts retention times for peptides using a model 
     trained by RTModel.
   - ExecutePipeline: Executes workflows created by TOPPAS.

Package: openms-doc
Architecture: all
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Suggests: libopenms1.9, libopenms-gui1.9, topp
Description: library for LC/MS data management and analysis - documentation
 OpenMS is a library for LC/MS data management and analysis. OpenMS
 offers an infrastructure for the development of mass
 spectrometry-related software and powerful 2D and 3D visualization
 OpenMS offers analyses for various quantitation protocols, including
 label-free quantitation, SILAC, iTRAQ, SRM, SWATH…
 It provides built-in algorithms for de-novo identification and
 database search, as well as adapters to other state-of-the art tools
 like X!Tandem, Mascot, OMSSA…
 OpenMS supports the Proteomics Standard Initiative (PSI) formats for
 MS data and supports easy integration of tools into workflow engines
 like Knime, Galaxy, WS-Pgrade, and TOPPAS via the TOPPtools concept
 and a unified parameter handling.
 This package brings full documentation for both the libopenms and
 libopenms-gui library packages and the openms proteomic pipeline
 (topp) package.

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