On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Jakub Wilk <jw...@debian.org> wrote:
> * shawn <shawnland...@gmail.com>, 2012-06-08, 12:23: > > * Package name : python-kyotocabinet >> Version : 1.2.76 >> Upstream Author : Mikio Hirabayashi <i...@fallabs.com> >> * URL : >> http://fallabs.com/**kyotocabinet/<http://fallabs.com/kyotocabinet/> >> * License : GPL-3+ >> Programming Lang: C++, Python >> Description : Kyoto Cabinet is an efficient database library like >> GDBM and NDBM. >> > > I just noticed that this package landed in NEW. It has Maintainer set to > Debian Python Modules Team. But you are not a member of the team, are you? I am not. I am not a member of collab maint either, which the vcs field is set to. (this has become an issue or kyotocabinet which has been in unstable for a month now.) This isn't a problem for the ruby bindings, and I am a member of the ruby-pkg-extras team and have been uploading my packaging there for a while now. > > > -- > Jakub Wilk > -- --- Shawn Landden