Hi Joachim,

On So 04 Mär 2012 14:42:50 CET Joachim Falk wrote:

I'd suggest to sync your Git to Alioth and continue/collaborate there.
Do you have an account on Alioth? If not, I'd suggest registering and
then apply for membership in the group ,,collab-maint''.
Ok, I have registered as jfalk-guest and applied for the project
pkg-tigervnc. Between, I fixed all the built errors for Xvnc.

I am not sure if your Git repository works the way it currently is constructed. At least it looks like a not-so-usual packaging repos. I am not an overall expert but what I prefer is using tools like git-import-orig and pristine-tar.

Downloading the xorg packaging tree for building the package does not look like the right approach for building Xvnc to me. I'd rather think that Xvnc can be built against the available Xorg headers on the build system.

To give some insight in what I mean I uploaded a point where I would start from to my Git site:

For a better overview, please check out some other packaging projects I am involved in:

Now the install stage has a problem. Furthermore, we will need
to modify the tigervnc configuration to use an external fltk if
possible. I think, we also need to check what else tigervnc uses from
internal sources.

The internally shipped sources appear to be in upstream's common folder. These source should be replacable by Debian package header files shipped with Debian sid.

Unfortunately, I do not have the time I would like to give to this project, I hope for better times during the next couple of weeks. :-(



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