(I've added Debian Javascript team in CC since they can be concerned as well)
I tried to reach Patrick Ringl in private last week but without success. I don't know if it's duplicate work but I've packaged `libjs-mathjax` for internal use. If someone has to build the binary package (or wants to review the packaging), you can find the debian files here: http://bitbucket.org/juj/debian-libjs-mathjax There are pending issues before a possible inclusion in Debian: - possibly wrong doc-base metadata - waiting for a confirmation of MathJax author(s) for copyright section (email address especially) Some notes: - use same Apache2 license for the packaging (best practice ?) - no include of the MathJax site content (for offline browsing) - use symlinks to jquery and underscore js libraries - mention sphinx project for some copyrighted files - use lintian override to avoid warning about Package-List field http://lists.debian.org/debian-policy/2011/03/msg00155.html - upstream LICENSE file has no valid copyright holder Hope that could help Patrick. Best regards, -- Julien JEHANNET LOGILAB, Paris (France) http://www.cubicweb.org CubicWeb, le cadriciel du web sémantique http://www.logilab.org Dépôt des logiciels libres conçus par Logilab http://www.logilab.fr Informatique scientifique & Gestion de connaissances
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