Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : python-pysvg
  Version         : 0.2.1
  Upstream Author : Kerim Mansour <info AT codeboje DOT de>
* URL             :
* License         : BSD
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Creating SVG with Python

pySVG is a pure Python library to create SVG documents. Essentially it
is a python wrapper around svg with the goal to allow people to "program
svg". pySVG can be used to produce svg as an outcome of algorithms you
implement (like koch curves, Lindenmayr systems etc.)

Working with pySVG is pretty straightforward. There is a small tutorial
in the docs folder but i would suggest refering to the testclasses in
the source.

Current status:
Pretty much all elements should be implemented. Type checking,
validation and value constraints are NOT. In short: currently you can
fill any element with more or less any content. Loading and storing of
SVG images also works.

* Shapes (circle, ellipses, rectangles, lines, polygons, polylines,paths)
* Text
* Containers (g-element, defs)
* Style attributes (stroke, filling, font)
* Transform (in groups)
* Filters
* Load/Store SVG files

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