Hi Robert,

Tuesday, March 05, 2002, 3:24:55 AM, you wrote:

RM> Hello!
RM> I've been looking at you program, which looks very nice.
RM> Is it okay for you if I package it for the Debian
RM> distribution?
RM> If so, please tell me where can I find the sources. The
RM> source tarball in the website only contains binaries,
RM> and in Freeweb's CVS there's nothing on fcptools.
RM> Thank you,
RM> p.s. please keep the CC to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RM> when responding

Thanks for your email.
I've been very inactive with FCPtools of late.
Maintenance has been taken over by Jay Oliveri
(Jay Oliveri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>), who is doing an excellent job with
tidying up, autotooling etc.

Please liase with Jay, but I'd be grateful if you can keep me
in the loop.

Source has been moved under the Freenet project CVS, which you can
browse at

If I can be of any help, please let me know.

Lastly, are you targetting it just for Debian Unstable, or are there
plans for it to move to Debian Stable in due course?


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