Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : onioncat
  Version         : 0.2.2
  Upstream Author : Bernhard R. Fischer <>
* URL or Web page :
* License         : GPL-3
  Description     : IP-Transparent Tor Hidden Service Connector

  OnionCat creates a transparent IP layer on top of Tor's hidden services. It
  transmits any kind of IP-based data transparently through the Tor network on a
  location hidden basis. You can think of it as a point-to-multipoint VPN 
  hidden services.

  OnionCat is a stand-alone application which runs in userland and is a 
  between Tor and the local OS. Any protocol which is based on IP can be
  transmitted. Of course, UDP and TCP (and probably ICMP) are the most important
  ones but all other protocols can also be forwarded through it. OnionCat is
  based on IPv6 but the since version 0.1.9 also IPv4 packets are forwarded. In
  any case the local OS must support IPv6. See OnionCat and IPv4 for
  configuration of IPv4 transport. OnionCat now also supports TAP devices for
  bridging virtual machines and it supports IPv6 routing.

I am in the process of updating and cleaning up the packaging debian/
directory shipped in upstream SVN, aiming at putting the package in
good shape so that it can be uploaded into the Debian archive.
I intend to maintain this package in collab-maint to start with.

  intrigeri <>

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