Package: wnpp
Version: N/A
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : arpack
  Upstream Authors : Rich Lehoucq, Kristi Maschhoff, Danny Sorensen,  Chao Yang 
* URL             :
* License         : public domain
  Description     : ARPACK is a collection of Fortran77 subroutines designed to 
solve large scale eigenvalue problems. 

The package is designed to compute a few eigenvalues and corresponding 
eigenvectors of a general n by n matrix A. 
It is most appropriate for large sparse or structured matrices A where 
structured means that a matrix-vector 
product w <- Av requires order n rather than the usual order n2 floating point 
operations. This software is based 
upon an algorithmic variant of the Arnoldi process called the Implicitly 
Restarted Arnoldi Method (IRAM). 
When the matrix A is symmetric it reduces to a variant of the Lanczos process 
called the Implicitly 
Restarted Lanczos Method (IRLM). These variants may be viewed as a synthesis of 
the Arnoldi/Lanczos process 
with the Implicitly Shifted QR technique that is suitable for large scale 
problems. For many standard problems, 
a matrix factorization is not required. Only the action of the matrix on a 
vector is needed. 

ARPACK software is capable of solving large scale symmetric, nonsymmetric, and 
generalized eigenproblems 
from significant application areas. The software is designed to compute a few 
(k) eigenvalues with user
 specified features such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude. 
Storage requirements are
 on the order of n*k locations. No auxiliary storage is required. A set of 
Schur basis vectors for the
 desired k-dimensional eigen-space is computed which is numerically orthogonal 
to working precision. 
Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request. 

Important Features: 

Reverse Communication Interface. 
Single and Double Precision Real Arithmetic Versions for Symmetric, 
Standard or Generalized Problems. 
Single and Double Precision Complex Arithmetic Versions for Standard or 
Generalized Problems. 
Routines for Banded Matrices - Standard or Generalized Problems. 
Routines for The Singular Value Decomposition. 
Example driver routines that may be used as templates to implement numerous 
strategies for all problem types, data types and precision. 

| Christophe Prud'homme,
| ICQ UIN: 24560867 Alias: Jesunix
| Key fingerprint = 3703 50DE 7A9F 024E 0F26  0D07 A18F B40B D4BE 1450
|              Debian/GNU/Linux -- A Technical And Social Revolution

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